B Kinesiology

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B Kinesiology



Our Values


At B Kinesiology we value facilitating your healing journey at a pace that suits you.

Kinesiology gently unravels the layers around your troubles, supporting you energetically, spiritually and emotionally as you heal.

All feelings, no matter how big or small can be acknowledged, accepted and released, and I will be there with you every step of the way.

Contact me to find out more about how I can help you today.

Your Kinesiologist

Dip. Kinesiology



Kinesiology has helped me through fear, sadness, stress and depression. It helped me find love for myself so that I could allow myself to be loved by others. It has helped me understand things in my life that didn’t make sense and, through putting the puzzle pieces of my past together, it has helped me discover a meaning for my future.

A part of that future is to help YOU through kinesiology. To help you understand your fears and emotions and help you work through them. To help you learn why you have travelled THIS path through life, and how your past lessons can help you feel comfortable with your present and excited about your future. Kinesiology grounds you when you feel lost, centers you when you feel unbalanced and supports you when you feel weak.

Let kinesiology help you to discover the reasons why you do the things you do and how to unravel yourself from the patterns that keep you doing them. We always have a choice; sometimes we just can’t see it. Let kinesiology light the way for you.

B x

Did you know...?

Kinesiology can help with both your future and your past.
Schedule your session today.